Wednesday 2 October 2013

Classic Review: Caged Heat (1974)

Caged Heat centers on the story of Jacqueline Wilson, who is sentenced to a women's prison after her conviction of illegal drug offenses. Wilson, quickly associates herself with a group of fellow female convicts, and they fight against the repressive policies of the prison's warden played by Barbara Steele.

This is a down-the-barrel sexploitation film with nudity, sex and blood. The punishments dished out to the corrupted guards during the girls escape is the highlight of the film. While the market was flooded with sexploitation films about women's prisons, Caged Heat offered elements of liberal politics, feminism and social consciousness making it more interesting than the run-of-the-mill, women-in-prison exploitation movie.

Barbara Steele's portrayal as the sadistic female warden is a classic example of the more memorable villains born of the exploitation genera.

The highlight of the film is when the girls break free from the prison and turn their violent revenge on the town, proclaiming never to go back unless their in body bags. The police shoot out with the girls is by far the most memorable and enjoyable scene as the girls prove their worth.

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